Monday, August 7, 2017

maori chief

Maori chief
L.G use a variety of precise words and phrases to add info enhance meaning and / or add mood to a character

Use technical language and phrases.
Use a variety of  descriptive language techniques .
Use direct speech.
Use verbs and adverbs to describe how someone is doing something or saying something.

As I walk down the dark road I came face to face with a maori chief ! I look at the dark road he glares  down at me with his hazel eyes ……he has a moko creeping across his face his taiaha that has kiwi feather on the end of as well as his cloak made with kiwi fur. I'm shaking as he ask me why i'm here I mumble “because I got lost” with his strong voice “come on then “ we walk fast in the silence until i hear  the other maori people doing the haka.we slowly enter the maire people stare and start to whisper as I entered…………


Thursday, June 22, 2017

New Zealand poisonous spiders

   L.G be able to write informative report
Use macro break down into micro
Create topic sentences
Use pronouns for sentence starters
No use of personal pronouns
Tense agreement
Building sentences through interesting vocab
Self reflection and editing


New Zealand is a small country located in the Pacific Ocean in the Southern Hemisphere.New Zealand has only three poisonous spiders the white tail and the Redback are from Australia and the Katipo (night stinger) is native to New Zealand  

To cut this down into finer detail here is some more information about the Katipo Redback and white tail

The Katipo scientific name is Latrobe tectus katipo

Females katipo have black rounded bodies with slender legs   and a white bordered red stripe on their back and red hourglass mark underneath . Adult males and juveniles are black and white and smaller than females. The katipo is shy spiders. The katipo makes it webs on warm sandy beaches  and sands dunes and beach grass and other vegetation ,stones ,drift wood ,debris such as empty tin and bottles. The bites from a katipo is very rare. The bites included after a few hours people might also experience sweating  difficulty with breathing and abdominal cramps.

The redback scientific name is Latrodectus Hasselti

Redbacks have black rounded bodies with slender legs and white bordered orange to red jagged hourglass mark underneath
Redbacks are originally from Australia They make their thimble shaped webs on the underside  of ledges stones overhangs and vegetation they are more likely than a katipo to make their home around houses to take advantage of the warm environment  
Small redback populations have been reported in central otago in the south island with smaller populations around New plymouth. Redbacks will only bite when  disturbed or trapped in clothing and the bite feels like a sharp  pain similar to a pin prick. The bite may lead to localised redness pain and sweating and it may lead to nausea and vomiting.

White tail has two scientific names have lampona murina and lampona cylindrata

White tails have been recorded in the upper New Zealand, cracks and crevices sometimes  on outside of houses gardens and bush wand they don't build webs.white tails have  dark bodies with a white patch on the end cigars shape abdomen

The white tail bites are painful. Initial burning feeling swelling redness and itchiness    

Monday, May 8, 2017

L.g to create our school mihi

Te kura o whakaahurangi mihi
Kia ora koutou katoa
Greetings to you all
Ko Anika taku ingoa
My name is Anika
Ko Alisha taku mama
My mother is Alisha
Ko Richard taku papa
My father is Richard
No whakaahurangi ahau
I am from stratford
Tekau ma tahi taui
I am 11 years old
Ko matua Geoff te kaiako
My teacher is Geoff
No te whanau whitu waru ahau
I am from the year 7 and 8 team/syndicate
Ko matua Jason te tumuaki o taku kura
Jason is the principal of my school
No reira e te whanau ka nui te mihi
Therefor an extended greetings to our school
Tena koutou tena koutou tena tatou katoa
Greetings greetings greetings to us all

By Anika

L.G write recount on our experiences at camp
Sos sequence ideas
Interesting beginning to hook in the reader
Use a variety of descriptive language features
Use interesting and engaging ideas  
Use paragraphs
Use past tense

“It’s hot” sam,abbie,jenna,shiketa ,noah,jai,daisy,aidan and me said as we walk down the drive to the horses i can’t wait, abbie and jenna are scared but i knew they will be fine!

We are lining up in front of the gate as he brings bobby over.he said “you look like a jockey” i stand there like what me???? Naaaa….. But yeah it was me.

Ahhh!!! Jai said he’s so worried about falling off. I said “if u just hold on sit properly then you will be fine”

We stop let the horses eat swap horses i don't have to because no one chose my horse we go back hop off i don't want to hop off i asked if i could keep bob he said yeah but you would have to put him in your suitcase

Thursday, March 2, 2017

camp recount

L.G write recount on our experiences at camp
Sos sequence ideas
Interesting beginning to hook in the reader
Use a variety of descriptive language features
Use interesting and engaging ideas  
Use paragraphs
Use past tense

“It’s hot” sam,abbie,jenna,skitha,noah,jai,daisy,aidan and me said as we walk down the drive to the horses i can’t wait, abbie and jenna are scared but i knew they will be fine!

We are lining up in front of the gate as he brings bobby over.he said “you look like a jockey” i stand there like what me???? Naaaa….. But yeah it was me.

Ahhh!!! Jai said he’s so worried about falling off. I said “if u just hold on sit properly then you will be fine”

We stop let the horses eat swap horses i don't have to because no one chose my horse we go back hop off i don't want to hop off i asked if i could keep bob he said yeah but you would have to put him in your suitcase

Thursday, October 13, 2016

L.g we are learning to recount an exciting event so that our reader knows what happens and

how we feel.

Sos. to include detail
. to use interesting vocabulary adjective verbs adverbs.
. title
. written  by ……..
. illustration

                                                      My not so great hoilday

The dark red is expelling the emergency room  in the hospital that i was waiting in there for hours . the blue is repasting the very nice doctor who was looking after to me and  explained everything to me so i understand everything .  yellow and green are expelling the tully tubbys  on the wall they were donated in 2005 and painted in 2004 . the white is for my bone when i got my x-ray i am diagnosed with a disease that you can't catch  but you can only get it if you do a lot of sport it is very painful for me. but i can only do sport if i feel comfortable with what sport i'm playing .the black  is representing the  x-ray boards the were really cold they remind me of the dark night.

By Anika
Year 6
Age 10


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Master Chef

whip up Italy winning poster come on down!!
                                          created by Anika 
Whip up Italy  winning menu come on down!! 
created by Anika