Monday, May 8, 2017

L.g to create our school mihi

Te kura o whakaahurangi mihi
Kia ora koutou katoa
Greetings to you all
Ko Anika taku ingoa
My name is Anika
Ko Alisha taku mama
My mother is Alisha
Ko Richard taku papa
My father is Richard
No whakaahurangi ahau
I am from stratford
Tekau ma tahi taui
I am 11 years old
Ko matua Geoff te kaiako
My teacher is Geoff
No te whanau whitu waru ahau
I am from the year 7 and 8 team/syndicate
Ko matua Jason te tumuaki o taku kura
Jason is the principal of my school
No reira e te whanau ka nui te mihi
Therefor an extended greetings to our school
Tena koutou tena koutou tena tatou katoa
Greetings greetings greetings to us all

By Anika

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