Thursday, March 2, 2017

camp recount

L.G write recount on our experiences at camp
Sos sequence ideas
Interesting beginning to hook in the reader
Use a variety of descriptive language features
Use interesting and engaging ideas  
Use paragraphs
Use past tense

“It’s hot” sam,abbie,jenna,skitha,noah,jai,daisy,aidan and me said as we walk down the drive to the horses i can’t wait, abbie and jenna are scared but i knew they will be fine!

We are lining up in front of the gate as he brings bobby over.he said “you look like a jockey” i stand there like what me???? Naaaa….. But yeah it was me.

Ahhh!!! Jai said he’s so worried about falling off. I said “if u just hold on sit properly then you will be fine”

We stop let the horses eat swap horses i don't have to because no one chose my horse we go back hop off i don't want to hop off i asked if i could keep bob he said yeah but you would have to put him in your suitcase